Bari Weiss from the NY Times released a piece yesterday about the “intellectual dark web,” a group of far-right conspiracy theorists that generate outrage for monetary gain. Much to his dismay, Mike Cernovich was snubbed from this group despite his lengthy resume of profitable misinformation campaigns. “If you are willing to sit across from an Alex Jones or Mike Cernovich and take him seriously, there’s a high probability that you’re either cynical or stupid,” the NY Times said. This rejection did not sit well with Cernovich and he took to Periscope to vent.
Cernovich first critiqued the different characters presented in the article, “I think Sam Harris is trying to look like Gorilla Mindset there. See he’s trying to copy me. He’s in a tree, like a gorilla.”
Legal analysts privy to the Cernovich situation say he is weighing legal options for Harris’s alleged copyright infringement, “Mike is looking at the different angles on this. It’s pretty clear that this is a direct rip off of Gorilla Mindset. Lots of leverage.”
Known for his fashion sense, Cernovich moved on to Joe Rogan’s outfit choice, “I don’t know who dressed Joe for this. Makes him look short. See, the key is if you’re not a very tall person, you’ve gotta dress for your height.” Rogan continually refuses to host Cernovich on his podcast.

Cernovich’s finished his rant in a fit of blind rage, “Why don’t you talk about yourselves? They’re always trying to make someone else a heretic. Who trusts Cernovich? Well, a lot of people do.” His fans reached a fever pitch around this point as well, suggesting that Mike, “kill them all” numerous times in the chat.
Other fans of Cernovich took a more conspiratorial approach, asking him to consider the origins of the term “dark web,” which refers to a central hub to distribute narcotics and child pornography. Another fan urged Mike to take no action and ignore them all together.
According to reports security precautions should be taken to combat the Cernovich threat, “The fanbase is toxic. While these threats are online we don’t want to risk anything happening in the real world. That almost happened with Pizzagate.”
Mr. Cernovich’s rejection from the intellectual dark web is an open, on-going Bernard Media investigation. We will provide more details as they are made available.
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