Anthony Bourdain took his own life last night at the age of 61. Members of both the right and the left mourned the loss of Bourdain, a figure known for his empathy and understanding of humankind through the culinary arts.

Ben Shapiro however, did not share this sentiment. Instead, Shapiro took to his website, The Daily Wire, to claim that Bourdain was nothing more than a depressed, drug addled man. Furthermore, Shapiro believes that celebrating Bourdain’s life through the media coverage will cause more suicides.

“He was an unhappy soul, with a huge heroin and then crack problem,” Shapiro says in his article in reference to Bourdain. “Bourdain is just the latest in a string of prominent celebrities suffering from depression who have taken their own lives. Last week, Kate Spade committed suicide; she was reportedly fixated on Robin Williams’ suicide. And suicide rates across America have been spiking as a result.”

Fans of Shapiro were not happy with his take and expressed this in the comments section. “What’s wrong with Bourdain? Sure, he had drug problems in the past but that by no means defined him. Consider updating this piece.”

Other commenters applauded Shapiro’s sentiment.

Shapiro’s contempt for the media and disregard for humanity is an open, ongoing Bernard Media investigation. More information will be provided as it is made available.

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